Cancer Tissue Gallery- GTX04401

Cytokeratin 10 antibody [MSVA-610M] HistoMAX


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Anorectum - Squamous cell carcinoma with strong Cytokeratin 10 positivity in the center of tumor cell nests.

Esophagus - Squamous cell carcinoma with focal Cytokeratin 10 immunostaining.

Larnyx - Squamous cell carcinoma with focal weak to moderate Cytokeratin 10 positivity in the center of tumor cell nests.

Liver - Cytokeratin 10 negative cholangiocellular carcinoma.


Oral cavity - Squamous cell carcinoma with Cytokeratin 10 positivity of variable intensity predominantly occuring in the center of tumor cell nests.

Ovary - Endometrioid carcinoma showing focal Cytokeratin 10 immunostaining in an area of squamous differentiation.

Pancreas - Neuroendocrine tumor of the pancreas showing a weak to moderate Cytokeratin 10 immunostaining in all tumor cells.

Penis - Squamous cell carcinoma with strong Cytokeratin 10 positivity. Basal cell layers are mostly negative.


Prostate - Cytokeratin 10 negative prostatic adenocarcinoma (Gleason 3+3=6).

Salivary gland - Cytokeratin 10 negative pleomorphic adenoma.

Skin - Cytokeratin 10 negative basal cell carcinoma.

Skin - Squamous cell carcinoma with strong Cytokeratin 10 positivity. The basal cell layer often shows limited or even absent staining.


Skin - Squamous cell carcinoma with strong Cytokeratin 10 positivity in the center of tumor cell nests.

Urinary bladder - Urothelial carcinoma showing strong focal CK10 positivity.

Vulva - Squamous cell carcinoma with strong Cytokeratin 10 positivity. Basal cell layers are mostly negative.



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