Cav3.2 antibody

Cat. No. GTX54813
Cat. No.  GTX54813
Anti-Cav3.2 antibody used in Western Blot (WB). GTX54813
GTX54813 WB Image

WB analysis of rat DRG lysate using GTX54813 Cav3.2 antibody preincubated with or without immunogen peptide.
Dilution : 1:200

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Anti-Cav3.2 antibody used in Immunocytochemistry/ Immunofluorescence (ICC/IF). GTX54813
GTX54813 ICC/IF Image

ICC/IF analysis of PFA-fixed rat DRG primary cells using GTX54813 Cav3.2 antibody.
Panel A,D : Primary antibody
Panel B,E : DNA dye Hoechst 33342
Panel C,F : Merged images of panels A and B
Dilution : 1:200

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Anti-Cav3.2 antibody used in IHC (Frozen sections) (IHC-Fr). GTX54813
GTX54813 IHC-Fr Image

IHC-Fr analysis of rat DRG tissue using GTX54813 Cav3.2 antibody. Staining is specific for DRG. Note that neither glial cells nor axonal fibers are stained. Hoechst 33342 is used as the counterstain.
Dilution : 1:50

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Anti-Cav3.2 antibody used in IHC (Frozen sections) (IHC-Fr). GTX54813
GTX54813 IHC-Fr Image

IHC-Fr analysis of mouse cerebellum tissue using GTX54813 Cav3.2 antibody.
Panel A : CaV3.2 appears adjacent to Purkinje cells and in fibers in the molecular layer (red).
Panel B : Staining of Purkinje cells with mouse anti-parvalbumin (PV, green).
Panel C : Merged image of panels A and B demonstrates presence of CaV3.2 adjacent to Purkinje  cells.
Dilution : 1:100

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Anti-Cav3.2 antibody used in Western Blot (WB). GTX54813
Anti-Cav3.2 antibody used in Immunocytochemistry/ Immunofluorescence (ICC/IF). GTX54813
Anti-Cav3.2 antibody used in IHC (Frozen sections) (IHC-Fr). GTX54813
Anti-Cav3.2 antibody used in IHC (Frozen sections) (IHC-Fr). GTX54813
  • Host
  • Clonality
  • Isotype
  • Applications
  • Reactivity
    Human, Mouse, Rat
See all Cav3.2 products