Human G-CSF protein (active)

Cat. No. GTX138166-pro
Cat. No.  GTX138166-pro
Human G-CSF protein (active). GTX138166-pro
GTX138166-pro Functional Assay Image

Serial dilutions of Human G-CSF protein (active) were added to murine NFS-60 cells. Cell proliferation was measured and the linear portion of the curve was used to calculate the ED50.

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Human G-CSF protein (active). GTX138166-pro
GTX138166-pro ELISA Image

Sandwich ELISA detection of recombinant Human G-CSF protein (active) (GTX138166-pro) using antibodies as below.

Capture: G-CSF antibody [GT21] (GTX641067) (5 μg/mL)
Detection: HRP-conjugated G-CSF antibody [GT22] (GTX641068) (1 μg/mL)
Please notice that GTX641068 needs to be conjugated to HRP to function as the detection antibody when paired with GTX641067. Please contact us for custom HRP-conjugated antibody.

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Human G-CSF protein (active). GTX138166-pro
GTX138166-pro ELISA Image

Indirect ELISA analysis was performed by coating the plate with recombinant Human G-CSF protein (active) (GTX138166-pro) (213.9-3.34 nM). Coated protein was probed with G-CSF antibody [GT21] (GTX641067) (1 μg/mL). Goat anti-mouse IgG antibody (HRP) (GTX213111-01) (1:10000) was used to detect the bound primary antibody.

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Human G-CSF protein (active). GTX138166-pro
GTX138166-pro Image

1 μg of GTX138166-pro Human G-CSF protein (active) was analyzed using SDS-PAGE and stained with coomassie blue and captured by monochrome camera.

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Human G-CSF protein (active). GTX138166-pro
Human G-CSF protein (active). GTX138166-pro
Human G-CSF protein (active). GTX138166-pro
Human G-CSF protein (active). GTX138166-pro
  • Applications
    ELISA Functional Assay
  • Species
G-CSF (Granulocyte-colony stimulating factor/CSF3) is the major growth factor driving the generation of mature granulocytes from committed bone marrow myeloid progenitors. This biologically active recombinant human G-CSF is an 18.7 kDa globular protein formed by a 174-amino acid polypeptide with two intramolecular disulfide bonds. Human and murine G-CSFs are highly similar and show reciprocal biological cross-reactivity.
See all Human G-CSF protein products