Human alpha Synuclein protein (active, Pre-Formed Fibrils)

Cat. No. GTX17669-pro
Cat. No.  GTX17669-pro
Human alpha Synuclein protein (active, Pre-Formed Fibrils). GTX17669-pro
GTX17669-pro Functional Assay Image

Immunohistochemistry analysis of rat brain injected with active human alpha synuclein PFFs (GTX17669-pro). Species: Female Sprague-Dawley Rat. Rat was injected with 2μL active human alpha synuclein PFFs (GTX17669-pro) in each of 2 injection sites: AP+1.6, ML+2.4, DV-4.2 from skull; and AP-1.4, ML+0.2, DV-2.8 from skull. 30-days post-injection. Fixation: Saline perfusion followed by 4% PFA fixation for 48 hrs. Secondary Antibody: Biotin-SP Donkey Anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L) at 1:500 for 2 hours in cold room with shaking. ABC signal amplification, DAB staining. Magnification: 20X. Alpha synuclein pathology is seen in the striatum close to an injection site.

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Human alpha Synuclein protein (active, Pre-Formed Fibrils). GTX17669-pro
GTX17669-pro Functional Assay Image

Primary rat hippocampal neurons show lewy body inclusion formation when treated with active Alpha Synuclein Protein Preformed Fibrils (GTX17669-pro) at 4 μg/ml (D-F), but not when treated with control Alpha Synuclein Protein Preformed Fibrils (GTX17667-pro) at 4 μg/ml (A-C).
Tissue: Primary hippocampal neurons. Species: Sprague-Dawley rat. Fixation: 4% formaldehyde from PFA. Primary Antibody: Mouse anti-pSer129 Antibody at 1:1000 24 hours at 4ºC. Secondary Antibody: FITC Goat Anti-Mouse (green) at 1:700 for 1 hours at RT. Counterstain: Hoechst (blue) nuclear stain at 1:4000 for 1 hour at RT. Localization: Lewy body inclusions. Magnification: 20x.

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Human alpha Synuclein protein (active, Pre-Formed Fibrils). GTX17669-pro
GTX17669-pro Functional Assay Image

Fluorescently-labelled Alpha Synuclein Protein Preformed Fibrils (GTX17669-pro) were taken up, transported into the soma, and induced alpha synuclein aggregation in mouse neurocortical primary cells.
Left : Neurites filled with fluorescently-labelled alpha synuclein seeds in a microfluidic co-culture system after 24 hours.
Right : Alpha synuclein seeds within the soma and neurites of mouse neurocortical primary cells after 24 hours.

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Human alpha Synuclein protein (active, Pre-Formed Fibrils). GTX17669-pro
GTX17669-pro Functional Assay Image

Confocal imaging shows NeuN+ (mature) primary cortical neurons filled with Fluorescently-labelled Alpha Synuclein Protein Preformed Fibrils (GTX17669-pro). GTX17669-pro seed endogenous alpha synculein phosphorylation after 7 days.

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Human alpha Synuclein protein (active, Pre-Formed Fibrils). GTX17669-pro
GTX17669-pro Functional Assay Image

ICC/IF analysis of human iPSC-derived neurons treated with Alpha Synuclein Protein Preformed Fibrils (GTX17669-pro).
Figure A : Negative control; no fibrils added to well.
Figure B : 7 days after addition of active recombinant human pre-formed fibrils (Type 1). Fibrils were sonicated before use and applied 2.5 ug per well
Green : Primary Antibody : Mouse Anti-Alpha Synuclein (phospho Ser129) Monoclonal Antibody at 1:1000
Blue : Hoechst
Magenta : beta Actin

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Human alpha Synuclein protein (active, Pre-Formed Fibrils). GTX17669-pro
GTX17669-pro Image

Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) image of GTX17669-pro Human alpha Synuclein protein (active, Pre-Formed Fibrils).

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Human alpha Synuclein protein (active, Pre-Formed Fibrils). GTX17669-pro
GTX17669-pro Image

Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) image of GTX17669-pro Human alpha Synuclein protein (active, Pre-Formed Fibrils).

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Human alpha Synuclein protein (active, Pre-Formed Fibrils). GTX17669-pro
GTX17669-pro Functional Assay Image

Toxicity results comparing active Human alpha Synuclein protein (Pre-Formed Fibrils) (GTX17667-pro) and active Alpha Synuclein Protein Preformed Fibrils (GTX17669-pro). Data was graphed after live cell imaging results were obtained using the following procedure: After 8 days in vitro, primary rat mixed cortical neuron cells were treated with 500 μg/ml of Type 1 and Type 2 Alpha Synuclein Proteins for 20 hours at 37˚C.

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Human alpha Synuclein protein (active, Pre-Formed Fibrils). GTX17669-pro
GTX17669-pro Functional Assay Image

Alpha Synuclein Protein Preformed Fibrils (GTX17669-pro) was shown to be taken up by SH-SY5Y cells and transmitted to neuronal iPSCs within 14 days.
Blue : Hoechst
Green : SH-SY5Y-GFP
Red : Alpha Synuclein Protein Preformed Fibrils (GTX17669-pro)
Purple : Tubulin

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Human alpha Synuclein protein (active, Pre-Formed Fibrils). GTX17669-pro
GTX17669-pro Image

SDS-PAGE of ~14 kDa active Human Recombinant Alpha Synuclein Protein Preformed Fibrils (GTX17669-pro). Lane 1: Molecular Weight Ladder (MW). Lane 2: active Alpha Synuclein Protein Preformed Fibrils (GTX17669-pro).

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Human alpha Synuclein protein (active, Pre-Formed Fibrils). GTX17669-pro
GTX17669-pro Image

Active alpha synuclein preformed fibrils (GTX17669-pro) seed the formation of new alpha synuclein fibrils from the pool of alpha synuclein monomers (GTX17668-pro). Thioflavin T is a fluorescent dye that binds to beta sheet-rich structures, such as those in alpha synuclein fibrils. Upon binding, the emission spectrum of the dye experiences a red-shift, and increased fluorescence intensity. Thioflavin T emission curves show increased fluorescence (correlated to alpha synuclein protein aggregation) over time when 10 nM of active alpha synuclein preformed fibrils (GTX17669-pro) is combined with 100 μM of alpha synuclein monomer (GTX17668-pro), as compared to active alpha synuclein preformed fibrils (GTX17669-pro) alone and alpha synuclein monomer (GTX17668-pro) alone. Thioflavin T ex = 450 nm, em = 485 nm.

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Human alpha Synuclein protein (active, Pre-Formed Fibrils). GTX17669-pro
Human alpha Synuclein protein (active, Pre-Formed Fibrils). GTX17669-pro
Human alpha Synuclein protein (active, Pre-Formed Fibrils). GTX17669-pro
Human alpha Synuclein protein (active, Pre-Formed Fibrils). GTX17669-pro
Human alpha Synuclein protein (active, Pre-Formed Fibrils). GTX17669-pro
Human alpha Synuclein protein (active, Pre-Formed Fibrils). GTX17669-pro
Human alpha Synuclein protein (active, Pre-Formed Fibrils). GTX17669-pro
Human alpha Synuclein protein (active, Pre-Formed Fibrils). GTX17669-pro
Human alpha Synuclein protein (active, Pre-Formed Fibrils). GTX17669-pro
Human alpha Synuclein protein (active, Pre-Formed Fibrils). GTX17669-pro
Human alpha Synuclein protein (active, Pre-Formed Fibrils). GTX17669-pro
  • Applications
    Functional Assay
  • Species
Active Human Recombinant Alpha Synuclein Pre-formed Fibrils (Type 1)
See all alpha Synuclein protein products