Sox3 antibody

Cat. No. GTX132494
Cat. No.  GTX132494
Anti-Sox3 antibody used in IHC (Whole mount) (IHC-Wm). GTX132494
GTX132494 IHC-Wm Image

Sox3 antibody detects Sox3 protein on zebrafish by whole mount immunohistochemical analysis.
Sample: 1 day-post-fertilization zebrafish embryo.
Sox3 antibody (GTX132494) dilution: 1:100.

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Anti-Sox3 antibody used in IHC (Whole mount) (IHC-Wm). GTX132494
GTX132494 IHC-Wm Image

Sox3 antibody detects Sox3 protein on zebrafish by whole mount immunohistochemical analysis.
Sample: 1 day-post-fertilization zebrafish embryo.
Sox3 antibody (GTX132494) dilution: 1:100.

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Anti-Sox3 antibody used in Western Blot (WB). GTX132494
GTX132494 WB Image

Whole zebrafish extract (30 μg) was separated by 12% SDS-PAGE, and the membrane was blotted with Sox3 antibody (GTX132494) diluted at 1:1000.

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Anti-Sox3 antibody used in IHC (Frozen sections) (IHC-Fr). GTX132494
GTX132494 IHC-Fr Image

The data was published in the journal Protein Cell in 2019. PMID: 30588557

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Anti-Sox3 antibody used in IHC (Whole mount) (IHC-Wm). GTX132494
Anti-Sox3 antibody used in IHC (Whole mount) (IHC-Wm). GTX132494
Anti-Sox3 antibody used in Western Blot (WB). GTX132494
Anti-Sox3 antibody used in IHC (Frozen sections) (IHC-Fr). GTX132494
  • Host
  • Clonality
  • Isotype
  • Applications
    WB IHC-Fr IHC-Wm ChIP assay
  • Reactivity
See all SOX3 products