Trident RIPA Lysis Buffer

Cat. No. GTX400005
Cat. No.  GTX400005
Trident RIPA Lysis Buffer. GTX400005
GTX400005 WB Image

A431 and HeLa cells were lysed by using GTX400005 RIPA lysis buffer.
Whole cell extracts (30 μg) were assayed by Western Blot analysis.
The membrane was blotted with a cytosolic protein GAPDH antibody (GTX627408), a membrane protein Flotillin1 antibody (GTX104769) and a nuclear protein LaminB2 (GTX628803).

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Trident RIPA Lysis Buffer. GTX400005
GTX400005 Image
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Trident RIPA Lysis Buffer. GTX400005
Trident RIPA Lysis Buffer. GTX400005
  • Applications
Radio-Immunoprecipitation assay lysis buffer
The ingredients of RIPA lysis buffer are as follows:
25 mM Tris pH 7.6
150 mM NaCl
1% Triton X-100
1% sodium deoxycholate
1% SDS
See all Extraction buffer products