VRL1 antibody

Cat. No. GTX54766
Cat. No.  GTX54766
Anti-VRL1 antibody used in Flow cytometry (FACS). GTX54766
GTX54766 FACS Image

FACS analysis of RBL cells using GTX54766 VRL1 antibody.
Black : Unstained cell
Green : Cell staining with primary antibody

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Anti-VRL1 antibody used in IHC (Frozen sections) (IHC-Fr). GTX54766
GTX54766 IHC-Fr Image

IHC-Fr analysis of mouse DRG tissue using GTX54766 VRL1 antibody.
Panel A : TRPV2 (green) appears in patches along the perimeter of the DRG (arrows).
Panel B : Neurons containing neurofilament 200 (red) are scattered in the DRG, also in patches (arrows).
Panel C : Merge of the two panels shows that the spatial distribution of neurofilament 200 and TRPV2 expression overlaps. However, DRGs showing robust expression of neurofilament 200 do not contain TRPV2.

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Anti-VRL1 antibody used in Western Blot (WB). GTX54766
GTX54766 WB Image

WB analysis of ND7/23 cell membrane (lanes 1 and 3), RBL cells (lanes 2 and 4), and rat brain membrane (lanes 5 and 6) lysates using GTX54766 VRL1 antibody preincubated with or without immunogen peptide.
Dilution : 1:200

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Anti-VRL1 antibody used in Live cell imaging (LCI). GTX54766
GTX54766 LCI Image

Live cell imaging analysis of intact living RBL cells  using GTX54766 VRL1 antibody.
Dilution : 1:100

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Anti-VRL1 antibody used in Immunoprecipitation (IP). GTX54766
GTX54766 IP Image

IP analysis of RBL cell lysate using GTX54766 VRL1 antibody. The upper arrow indicates TRPV2 while the lower arrow indicates the IgG heavy chain. WB was performed with the GTX54766 antibody.
IP reaction : 6 μg antibody
Lane 1 : RBL lysate.
Lane 2 : Lysate immunoprecipitated with Anti-TRPV2 Antibody (6 μg).
Lane 3 : Lysate immunoprecipitated with pre-immune rabbit serum.

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Anti-VRL1 antibody used in Flow cytometry (FACS). GTX54766
Anti-VRL1 antibody used in IHC (Frozen sections) (IHC-Fr). GTX54766
Anti-VRL1 antibody used in Western Blot (WB). GTX54766
Anti-VRL1 antibody used in Live cell imaging (LCI). GTX54766
Anti-VRL1 antibody used in Immunoprecipitation (IP). GTX54766
  • Host
  • Clonality
  • Isotype
  • Applications
  • Reactivity
    Mouse, Rat
See all VRL1 products