
The nucleosome core particle is the fundamental structural unit of the eukaryotic genome. It consists of a histone octamer composed of two H2A-H2B dimers and a H3-H4 tetramer wrapped by ~146 base pairs of DNA. A linker histone (i.e., H1) associates with the nucleosomal dyad as well as with linker DNA on either side of the nucleosome, resulting in the formation of the chromatosome. All the core and linker histones are post-translationally decorated, with at least 160 total modifications such as acetylation, methylation, and phosphorylation. These modifications are thought to impact chromatin functions by either altering chromatin packaging or through the recruitment/inhibition of specific chromatin binding factors. Please see below for highlighted antibodies or click the button to find all related products.

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Histone H2A.XS139ph (phospho Ser139) antibody (GTX127340)

Histone H2A.XS139ph (phospho Ser139) antibody (GTX127340)

Histone H3K27me3 (Tri-methyl Lys27) antibody (GTX121184)

Histone H3K27me3 (Tri-methyl Lys27) antibody

SMYD3 antibody (GTX121945)

SMYD3 antibody