Cancer Tissue Gallery- GTX04408

MSH2 antibody [MSVA-902M] HistoMAX


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Breast – Invasive carcinoma of no special type (NST) showing strong MSH2 immunostaining in cancer cells.

Breast – Invasive lobular breast cancer with strong MSH2 immunostaining in cancer cells. Stromal cells and adjacent normal glands also show strong MSH2 positivity.

Colon – Colorectal adenocarcinoma showing a markedly reduced MSH2 immunostaining in cancer cells as compared to stromal and inflammatory cells

Colon – Colorectal adenocarcinoma with strong MSH2 immunostaining in cancer cells and in stromal cells.


Colon – Colorectal adenocarcinoma with strong MSH2 immunostaining in cancer cells and in stromal cells.

Colon – Colorectal adenocarcinoma with strong MSH2 immunostaining in cancer cells and in stromal cells.

Colon – Colorectal adenocarcinoma with strong MSH2 immunostaining in cancer cells and in stromal cells.

Colon – Colorectal adenocarcinoma with strong MSH2 immunostaining in stromal and inflammatory cells but absent MSH2 staining in cancer cells.


Esophagus – Squamous cell carcinoma exhibiting a strong MSH2 immunostaining in cancer cells and in stromal cells.

Ovary – Clear cell carcinoma showing strong MSH2 positivity in cancer cells and in stromal cells.

Ovary – Malignant Mixed Mullerian tumor with strong MSH2 positivity in cancer cells and in stromal cells.

Ovary – Malignant Mixed Mullerian tumor with strong MSH2 positivity in stromal and inflammatory cells but absence of staining in tumor cells.


Ovary – Serous high-grade carcinoma with strong MSH2 positivity in cancer cells and in stromal cells.

Pancreas – Adenocarcinoma of the ampulla Vaterii showing a strong MSH2 immunostaining in cancer cells and in stromal cells.

Pancreas – Ductal adenocarcinoma (perineural tumor growth) with strong MSH2 immunostaining in cancer cells and in stromal cells.

Pancreas – Ductal adenocarcinoma showing strong MSH2 immunostaining in cancer cells and in stromal cells.


Pancreas – Ductal adenocarcinoma with strong MSH2 positivity in cancer cells and in stromal cells.

Prostate – Adenocarcinoma (Gleason 3+3=6) with strong MSH2 immunostaining in cancer cells and in stromal cells.

Stomach – Gastric adenocarcinoma with strong MSH2 immunostaining in cancer cells and in stromal cells.



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