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United States (US)

307 Products

HOXA9 (aa49-60) blocking peptide

Cat No. GTX88092-PEP
Product Note : The peptide was used in the production of GTX88092.
Package : 100 μg

CRISP2 (aa77-89) blocking peptide

Cat No. GTX88144-PEP
Product Note : The peptide was used in the production of GTX88144.
Package : 100 μg

DENTT blocking peptide

Cat No. GTX88198-PEP
Product Note : The peptide was used in the production of GTX88198.
Package : 100 μg

Pleiotrophin blocking peptide

Cat No. GTX88200-PEP
Product Note : The peptide was used in the production of GTX88200.
Package : 100 μg

Nudel blocking peptide

Cat No. GTX88469-PEP
Product Note : The peptide was used in the production of GTX88469.
Package : 100 μg

DLL1 blocking peptide

Cat No. GTX88445-PEP
Product Note : The peptide was used in the production of GTX88445.
Package : 100 μg

CSRP3 blocking peptide

Cat No. GTX88505-PEP
Product Note : The peptide was used in the production of GTX88505.
Package : 100 μg

FTO (Mouse) blocking peptide

Cat No. GTX88551-PEP
Product Note : The peptide was used in the production of GTX88551.
Package : 100 μg

Neurotrophin 4 blocking peptide

Cat No. GTX88754-PEP
Product Note : The peptide was used in the production of GTX88754.
Package : 100 μg

CSRP2 blocking peptide

Cat No. GTX88912-PEP
Product Note : The peptide was used in the production of GTX88912.
Package : 100 μg