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268 Products

Cystatin 8 (aa 100-112) blocking peptide

Cat No. GTX88034-PEP
Product Note : The peptide was used in the production of GTX88034.
Package : 100 μg

ZRANB1 blocking peptide

Cat No. GTX88665-PEP
Product Note : The peptide was used in the production of GTX88665.
Package : 100 μg

ITCH blocking peptide

Cat No. GTX88991-PEP
Product Note : The peptide was used in the production of GTX88991.
Package : 100 μg

Prolyl Endopeptidase blocking peptide

Cat No. GTX89322-PEP
Product Note : The peptide was used in the production of GTX89322.
Package : 100 μg

FBXO43 blocking peptide

Cat No. GTX89435-PEP
Product Note : The peptide was used in the production of GTX89435.
Package : 100 μg

TRIM2 blocking peptide

Cat No. GTX89871-PEP
Product Note : The peptide was used in the production of GTX89871.
Package : 100 μg

RNF31 (C terminus) blocking peptide

Cat No. GTX89901-PEP
Product Note : The peptide was used in the production of GTX89901.
Package : 100 μg

CBL blocking peptide

Cat No. GTX89954-PEP
Product Note : The peptide was used in the production of GTX89954.
Package : 100 μg

UBE2O blocking peptide

Cat No. GTX13728-PEP
Product Note : The peptide was used in the production of GTX13728.
Package : 100 μg

ATG16L1 blocking peptide

Cat No. GTX88747-PEP
Product Note : The peptide was used in the production of GTX88747.
Package : 100 μg