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251 Products

Blimp1 blocking peptide

Cat No. GTX31755-PEP
Application : Neutralizing/Inhibition
Package : 50 μg

Integrin alpha 4 blocking peptide

Cat No. GTX31781-PEP
Application : Neutralizing/Inhibition
Package : 50 μg

CCK4 blocking peptide

Cat No. GTX31321-PEP
Application : Neutralizing/Inhibition
Package : 50 μg

SHP2 blocking peptide

Cat No. GTX31745-PEP
Application : Neutralizing/Inhibition
Package : 50 μg

SHP2 blocking peptide

Cat No. GTX29214-PEP
Product Note : The peptide was used in the production of GTX29214.
Package : 100 μg

MTHFD1 blocking peptide

Cat No. GTX88541-PEP
Product Note : The peptide was used in the production of GTX88541.
Package : 100 μg

GATA5 blocking peptide

Cat No. GTX89189-PEP
Product Note : The peptide was used in the production of GTX89189.
Package : 100 μg

DYX1C1 (Isoform a) blocking peptide

Cat No. GTX89566-PEP
Product Note : The peptide was used in the production of GTX89566.
Package : 100 μg

SRF blocking peptide

Cat No. GTX88384-PEP
Product Note : The peptide was used in the production of GTX88384.
Package : 100 μg

Human Integrin Alpha 4 protein, His tag

Cat No. GTX48181-pro
Package : 50 μg