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25 Products

MBD2 (isoform 1) blocking peptide

Cat No. GTX89182-PEP
Product Note : The peptide was used in the production of GTX89182.
Package : 100 μg

HP1 gamma blocking peptide

Cat No. GTX89454-PEP
Product Note : The peptide was used in the production of GTX89454.
Package : 100 μg

Human MAT2A protein

Cat No. GTX48177-pro
Package : 50 μg

DNMT1 blocking peptide

Cat No. GTX88801-PEP
Product Note : The peptide was used in the production of GTX88801.
Package : 100 μg

TET2 blocking peptide

Cat No. GTX88329-PEP
Product Note : The peptide was used in the production of GTX88329.
Package : 100 μg
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