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80 Products

CACNA2D1 blocking peptide

Cat No. GTX89045-PEP
Product Note : The peptide was used in the production of GTX89045.
Package : 100 μg

Nav1.5 blocking peptide

Cat No. GTX89500-PEP
Product Note : The peptide was used in the production of GTX89500.
Package : 100 μg

NIR1 blocking peptide

Cat No. GTX89698-PEP
Product Note : The peptide was used in the production of GTX89698.
Package : 100 μg

KCNJ1 / ROMK blocking peptide

Cat No. GTX47558-PEP
Product Note : The peptide was used in the production of GTX47558.
Package : 100 μg

NMDAR3B blocking peptide

Cat No. GTX88061-PEP
Product Note : The peptide was used in the production of GTX88061.
Package : 100 μg

KCNN2 blocking peptide

Cat No. GTX88269-PEP
Product Note : The peptide was used in the production of GTX88269.
Package : 100 μg

TRPC7 blocking peptide

Cat No. GTX88430-PEP
Product Note : The peptide was used in the production of GTX88430.
Package : 100 μg

TRPC4 blocking peptide

Cat No. GTX88652-PEP
Product Note : The peptide was used in the production of GTX88652.
Package : 100 μg

Kir6.2 blocking peptide

Cat No. GTX88908-PEP
Product Note : The peptide was used in the production of GTX88908.
Package : 100 μg

AChR beta 1 blocking peptide

Cat No. GTX88771-PEP
Product Note : The peptide was used in the production of GTX88771.
Package : 100 μg